
Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

Programming for Starcraft

September 11, 2012 Leave a comment

This is a very interesting article by Patrick Wyatt, long time game developer on Warcraft, Starcraft,  Diablo series from Blizzard along with Guild Wars.  This article describes in some details the trials of writing Starcraft.  I found it to be very interesting.. maybe you will find it the same.  Take a look..

Working Remotely

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

So is working remotely better than working at the office.. well a study was done and here are the results.

* Update* Delphi XE3 Pro no Client/Server components allowed? Really!?

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

I am still having a hard time believing that Delphi XE3 Pro will not include client/server components.. and you can’t even use 3rd party?  wow.. I am still in shock..  C# looking better and better all the time..   Check it out

*** Ok, was just informed that yes this has been changed.. and there will be client/server components in Delphi XE3 Pro.  Sane minds did prevail.  🙂  Thanks Marc for the heads up!

Categories: Delphi, Programming Tags: ,

Windows Phone 8 software…

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

It seem a lot is changing with the Windows 8 SDK.  I myself was looking for it last week to find it not available.  With the announcement of the phone hardware it is interesting to wonder what is going on with the software.  It seem more interesting that if you are wanting to write games or any 3D application with the Windows 8 SDK you are no longer going to be able to use XMA and be required to write C++ code.   This all seems like a step backwards.  Once again Microsoft appears to be messing with the developers and changing their future development plans.  I’m glad Mac’s iOS does not do this..

Anyway…  you can read about it here..

SynEdit for Delphi XE2 Finally!!

March 26, 2012 3 comments

I have been searching far too long for a component upgrade for the Delphi SynEdit components for Delphi XE2.  In a rush I tried to get my XE converted over to XE2 but was having all kinds of issues.  The source forge versions are outdated since 2007 and although there were posts of the fixes to make all work with XE2 no one had posted the end result… until now..

Here is the link.. enjoy!

Categories: Delphi, Programming


January 25, 2012 Leave a comment

If you are a Spotify user like I am… I came across this really cool add on.  It is called Toastify.  This plugin shows a popup menu showing the name of the artist and song currently playing.  Looks much like the popup you get in Tweet Deck.  If you are a developer it is also open source so you can download and look at the code.  I definitely recommend this for any Spotify user.

You can get your own free copy here :



Categories: Music, Programming, Spotify