
Archive for December, 2011

Happy New Year!!

December 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Happy New Year everyone.. please be safe!!

Categories: Just Life...

Is Microsoft making ground in the Phone Wars?

December 30, 2011 Leave a comment

I was reading an article this morning on the ‘leaked” road map for Windows Phone.  According to this article it seem like Microsoft is on a solid path for the future with it’s phone OS.  I personal own a Droid X 2 from Motorola running the Android OS.  I don’t like the phone at all.  It seems I am always waiting on the phone to do something.  Txting, checking emails, playing music all have a lag to them.  I will probably go back to the iPhone this year or maybe even check out the latest Windows Phone.  We shall see.

Anyway.. check this article out.  I found it interesting.

Categories: Technology

Merry Christmas

December 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Merry Christmas to ALL!!

Categories: Just Life...

New Spotify

December 20, 2011 Leave a comment

New Spotify

The New Spotify

Categories: Music, Spotify

The new Spotify

December 20, 2011 Leave a comment

When I was first introduce to Spotify back in September I was impressed.  Unlike many I liked the client software and the reputation it had world wide.  Now it was available in the US and I jumped on the band wagon.

Spotify was very different than Zune or Rhapsody that I had been using.  I actually found myself struggling to find new and interesting music to listen to.  In fact if it wasn’t for Last.Fm and the other Spotify users I found there I might have given up on Spotify after the first month.  But I began to see the light of playlists and discovering new music from my new friends on Last.Fm.

Well with the latest release of Spotify we now have Apps.  And as one of the first apps to ship is a Last.Fm App.  It integrates with my Last.Fm account making suggestions and playlists based on the music data I listen too.  Ah the joy!!!

Just as good is the new Radio feature.  The new visual of the tracks as you play is awesome and taken from the look you would see on iTunes.  The music it selects for you seems to be more consistent to what I like to listen too.

Overall I am really enjoying the new Spotify client software.  If you haven’t check it out you should and make me one of your friends.  Also if you are a music listener and are not scrobbling your music to Last.Fm SHAME on you!!  Last.Fm is amazing.

Categories: Music, Spotify