
Archive for January, 2012


January 25, 2012 Leave a comment

If you are a Spotify user like I am… I came across this really cool add on.  It is called Toastify.  This plugin shows a popup menu showing the name of the artist and song currently playing.  Looks much like the popup you get in Tweet Deck.  If you are a developer it is also open source so you can download and look at the code.  I definitely recommend this for any Spotify user.

You can get your own free copy here :



Categories: Music, Programming, Spotify

Red Box

January 14, 2012 Leave a comment

I had to laugh tonight as I was leaving the grocery store.  Here in Ohio we had our real first day of winter.  The roads were terrible, the wind was blowing.. drifts.. but with the threat of another storm coming in this weekend I wanted to pick up the essentials.  You know.. milk, bread, coffee and beer.  🙂  Well a few more things than that but you know.. So I bundle up to head back out into the snow and wind after 30 min of shopping and something catches my eye.  To my amazement I see 4-5 people deep in a line in front of the Red Box video vending machine.  I know you can rent a movie for a dollar but folks why would you risk your life on the roads and stand out in the freezing cold for a $1 b-movie.   It is amazing what folks will do for entertainment.

Categories: Just Life...