
Archive for April, 2012

Apple ’10 years’ behind Microsoft on security

April 27, 2012 1 comment


I am no fanboy for Microsoft or Apple or any other technology for that matter but I have been telling Mac/Apple fan boys for years that the only reason Mac’s don’t have viruses is because any serious virus hacker just don’t mess with such a small user base.   Well Apple certainly is selling more computers and devices these day and they are awesome.. I even own some.. so much so hackers are really taking a notice.  Now comes the fun part.. rising to the security standard Microsoft has had to deal with for the past 10 years.  Can Apple step up to the plate and how will the user base respond to Apple downloads every week?

This articles explains even more….  Apple’s behind…

Categories: Technology

New Android Spotify App

April 27, 2012 Leave a comment

I just came across an announcement for a new Spotify app. Which I downloaded and LOVE.. I thought the interface to the existing mobile app was “odd”. Check it out for yourself if you are a Spotify user and have an Android phone…

Download Spotify’s new Android app

Categories: Music, Spotify Tags: