
Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Windows 8…

November 19, 2012 1 comment

Here are some thought from Paul Thurrott on Windows 8 sales and the future and what they possibly could have done.

iPhone – How does it stack up?

September 14, 2012 Leave a comment

So how does the hardware stack up against it competition?  Here is a chart to see..

What does the new iPhone have to stand up against

September 12, 2012 Leave a comment

So, with the new iPhone announcement just around the corner here is a look at how it needs to measure up against the competition.. what goodies await us…   Personally I am still trying to decide if my next phone will be a Windows 8 or iPhone 5.  After 3 attempts with Android I think I am done with that experiment..

Working Remotely

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

So is working remotely better than working at the office.. well a study was done and here are the results.

Windows Phone 8 software…

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

It seem a lot is changing with the Windows 8 SDK.  I myself was looking for it last week to find it not available.  With the announcement of the phone hardware it is interesting to wonder what is going on with the software.  It seem more interesting that if you are wanting to write games or any 3D application with the Windows 8 SDK you are no longer going to be able to use XMA and be required to write C++ code.   This all seems like a step backwards.  Once again Microsoft appears to be messing with the developers and changing their future development plans.  I’m glad Mac’s iOS does not do this..

Anyway…  you can read about it here..

Apple ’10 years’ behind Microsoft on security

April 27, 2012 1 comment


I am no fanboy for Microsoft or Apple or any other technology for that matter but I have been telling Mac/Apple fan boys for years that the only reason Mac’s don’t have viruses is because any serious virus hacker just don’t mess with such a small user base.   Well Apple certainly is selling more computers and devices these day and they are awesome.. I even own some.. so much so hackers are really taking a notice.  Now comes the fun part.. rising to the security standard Microsoft has had to deal with for the past 10 years.  Can Apple step up to the plate and how will the user base respond to Apple downloads every week?

This articles explains even more….  Apple’s behind…

Categories: Technology

Is Microsoft making ground in the Phone Wars?

December 30, 2011 Leave a comment

I was reading an article this morning on the ‘leaked” road map for Windows Phone.  According to this article it seem like Microsoft is on a solid path for the future with it’s phone OS.  I personal own a Droid X 2 from Motorola running the Android OS.  I don’t like the phone at all.  It seems I am always waiting on the phone to do something.  Txting, checking emails, playing music all have a lag to them.  I will probably go back to the iPhone this year or maybe even check out the latest Windows Phone.  We shall see.

Anyway.. check this article out.  I found it interesting.

Categories: Technology