
Posts Tagged ‘programming’

Programming for Starcraft

September 11, 2012 Leave a comment

This is a very interesting article by Patrick Wyatt, long time game developer on Warcraft, Starcraft,  Diablo series from Blizzard along with Guild Wars.  This article describes in some details the trials of writing Starcraft.  I found it to be very interesting.. maybe you will find it the same.  Take a look..

* Update* Delphi XE3 Pro no Client/Server components allowed? Really!?

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

I am still having a hard time believing that Delphi XE3 Pro will not include client/server components.. and you can’t even use 3rd party?  wow.. I am still in shock..  C# looking better and better all the time..   Check it out

*** Ok, was just informed that yes this has been changed.. and there will be client/server components in Delphi XE3 Pro.  Sane minds did prevail.  🙂  Thanks Marc for the heads up!

Categories: Delphi, Programming Tags: ,